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4 myths about college demystified

Dear Parents and New Grads,

Congratulations on what you have achieved so far! Help us change the student loan debt landscape because debt is nobody's dream. Take the $5 Pledge to Graduate Debt-Less or Debt-Free and pass it on to raise awareness of the student loan debt crisis. With your help, we can reach 60,000 students by May 2028.

Review these myths to help your new grad stay the course.

  • Myth: Young adults need to go away to college to learn independence.

  • Think again: Is that knowledge worth an additional $10,000 yr/ x 4 years = $40,000? Jobs, volunteer work, completing college courses teach independence.

  • Myth: I have to sacrifice my financial future to help my young adult go to their dream school.

  • Think again: Snap into reality! If you can't afford it, you're walking into a financial nightmare. Send your young adult to an accredited college your family can afford. Yes, it's okay for them to contribute to their own higher education.

  • Myth: Community college is for remedial students.

  • Think again: NO! Community college presents an economical alternative for the rising costs of four year universities. See tips above. Many have honors programs and advanced math and science offerings. Utilize this economic advantage to get ahead of student loan debt.

  • Myth: Going to x, y, z college will open more doors for my young adult.

  • Think again: Is that even still true? This antiquated thinking might be true for a small sect of careers such as high-powered corporate lawyers, but for most careers you can build a community and network where ever you choose to go college. Any accredited college, not just the pricey ones, will have various avenues to network such as alumni events, career days, conferences, internships and externships, to name a few. Even if for some reason you miss those events, an internet search can lead you to a myriad of resource pages. Spend time now to avoid spending money later.

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